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Engineering, Procurement, Construction

REVKOR is a leader in the are of Engineering, Procurement, Construction of energy & technology infrastructure, including Telecommunications Towers, EV Charging Stations, Industrial Solar Farms, and Oil & Gas Processing Plants.

Industrial Electric

REVKOR is actively developing its own industrial solar energy production, targeting 20,000+ acres in the Western USA for near term development. With our own supply of highest-efficiency solar panels and rapid deployment, we are making rapid advances.

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REVKOR has production in conventional oil & gas, but target dramatics reduction in carbon intensity (CI). This is done through carbon sequestration, elimination refining, and fuel blending. Our initial targets are 30% CI reduction with a target of 70% or greater as we transition away from fossil fuels

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REVKOR is pushing into Lithium and other rare earth metals, in addition to its current projects in remediative, clean oil sands and silica mining. Our silica production will go towards silicone wafers, CO2 negatives bricks and glass, as well as other markets.

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