The principal and affiliates of REVKOR have installed more than 150 industrial solars sites, with near 500GW installed with 5TW in the pipeline, and is now adding solar cell and module manufacturing. Combined with engineering, REVKOR is a turnkey solar company from planning to energy production.
All Things Solar
Relying on the strong capability of technology innovation and development, REVKOR has realized the large-scale production and application of HJT products, to provide higher yield return and added value to partners around the globe. We strive for continuous improvement through investment in advanced research and development, pushing the limits of solar efficiency and reliability.
REVKOR is the single source for all things solar. As the North American exclusive licensee for HJT solar manufacture, REVKOR is building out a planned 20 GW of American solar cell and module production. We have a range of cutting-edge industrial and residential HJT solar products. Our Solarscapes allow deployment of solar in parking lots, bus stops and other locations while taking up no real estate. We deliver our advanced HJT technology with wealth of experience on more than 150 installed industrial solar installations.
REVKOR is the first mover in US manufacture of solar cells. We are bringing vertically, integrated solar manufacturing from silica to silicon metal, silicon wafers to solar cells, and finally to module assembly and installation.
REVKOR offers a range of cutting edge HJT solar modules and solar cells. Primarily targeting industrial solar with large capacity cells and modules, we also have a line for residential use.
Solarscapes provide zero footprint solutions for solar, making use of the shade they provide. We have a wide variety of installation types.
REVKOR seeks continuous improvement in solar efficiency, cost savings, and environmental impact. Our HJT Solar technology is the absolute cutting-edge of solar, and improving every day.
Solar Projects

REVKOR is a turnkey provider of solar with more than 150 industrial solar installations. We are pushing towards into Terawatts of installed solar capacity.