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Phase One 256MW Utility Solar Project

Dec 20, 2022

Carolina Morales


REVKOR will be entering into a power purchase agreement with multible adjoing Utility companies for a new 256 MW Solar Farm. The Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURPA) contract is for 256 megawatts of generation from a solar facility REVKOR Solar is developing on 1,000 acres of 15,000 acres in the US.

REVKOR will be entering into a power purchase agreement with multible adjoing Utility companies for a new 256 MW Solar Farm. The Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURPA) contract is for 256 megawatts of generation from a solar facility REVKOR Solar is developing on 1,000 acres of 15,000 acres in the US. And will be one of the largest Utility Grid Solar Farms in the world. and valued at 3.9 Billion dollars .

REVKOR has already secured and paid for the first 635,000 REVSUN 700-715 Watt Bifacial Solar Modules and once all Civil and Piling excavation is completed will have delivered directly to the site once Interconnection agreements are secured.

The facility is required to begin delivery of generation in February 2024. When it comes online, All Utility Providers are expected to purchase 177 megawatts of the solar generation serving both Montana customers and Texas and surrounding states. REVKOR also has a tentative power purchase agreement also with multible adjoing Utility companies for the remaining 80 megawatts of Utility Grid solar. The facility under development , which is scheduled to begin delivering generation in March 2024.

REVKOR will only be selling and installing Transmission Grid Power and will be constructing several Sub -Stations interconnecting throughout USA. For all information and updates on this project please contact

Carolina Morales

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